

噶厦政府关于达赖喇嘛尊者安全的声明 Kashag’s Statement on the Security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Kashag’s Statement on the Security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama





2010 6月,西藏境內收到的消息,中國的情報機構正在訓練有素的特工,尤其是女性實施具體計劃。還了解到,他們正在研究傷害達賴喇嘛尊者所使用的超現代和高度複雜的藥物、有毒化學品的可能性。 201110月收到的另一份報告中了解到,中國的情報機構已加強了其秘密收集達賴喇嘛尊者的健康狀況情報,以及收集他的血液,尿液和頭髮的實物樣品。據稱,他們是選擇西藏境內藏人裝扮成來朝拜達賴喇嘛的方式收集情報。
達賴喇嘛努力改革和民主化西藏流亡社會觸及到西藏流亡社會中的某些原教旨主義者。涉及到達賴喇嘛對西藏人民能否崇拜多傑雄登問題而產生的分歧。這些原教旨主義者的主要組織是多傑雄登信徒的慈善和宗教協會(DSDCRS“),成立於19965月。其總部設在印度新德里。DSDCRS的支持者也許是最激烈的一個組織。印度警方已經確定,並收集到了DSDCRS19972月謀殺三個僧人,包括中文翻譯證據,謀殺地點非常接近達賴喇嘛尊者個人住宅。20076 月,國際刑警發布了通緝令。各種報告還指出,事實上中國政府也暗中支持20113月在美國成立的原教旨主義團體多傑雄登組織。“北美格魯派協會”。該協會的領導人多次在紐約會晤中國政府官員,並定期訪問中國。


In the recent days, there has been considerable media attention concerning reports of a possible security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a matter of great concern.
On 8 May 2012, His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave an interview to the Sunday Telegraph in Dharamsala, India, during which the interviewer commented on the security surrounding His Holiness. In response, His Holiness remarked that the concerned security agencies have taken his security very seriously ever since his first arrival in India. He mentioned that some time ago the officials responsible for his security received reports from a Tibetan working for the Chinese security establishment inside Tibet that Tibetan women were being trained to poison him by applying poison to their hair and to traditional greeting scarves. When His Holiness meets with Tibetans, they often present him with such scarves and bow their heads to receive his blessing. However, His Holiness also made it quite clear to the interviewer that there is no way to verify such reports. Although His Holiness takes security threat to his person lightly, there are a variety of threats to his well-being that the security agencies are obliged to take it seriously.
According to reports received from Tibet in June 2010, Chinese intelligence agencies are making concrete plans to harm His Holiness by employing well-trained agents, particularly females. It is also learnt that they are exploring the possibility of harming him by using ultra-modern and highly sophisticated drugs and poisonous chemicals. In another report received in October 2011, it is also learnt that Chinese intelligence agencies have stepped up their clandestine efforts to collect intelligence on the status of His Holiness’s health, as well as collecting physical samples of his blood, urine and hair. They are reportedly co-opting Tibetans inside Tibet to visit India with the intention of seeking an audience with him to this end.
In early April 2008, Zhang Qingli, the then Party Secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) held a meeting of all top officials in the government. During that meeting, he quoted as saying, “those who must be killed should be killed and those must be imprisoned must be imprisoned.” Recently in February 2012, Chen Quanguo, the current Party Secretary of TAR, called for “a war against secessionist sabotage”.
In recent years, Chinese government has launched an unprecedented offensive campaign against His Holiness inside Tibet and has also issued instructions to its concerned officials to organise protests by overseas Chinese communities against the Dalai Lama during his visits outside India. A number of such protests have since been organised in the United States, Europe and Japan.
His Holiness’s efforts to reform and democratise Tibetan society have also emboldened certain fundamentalists within the Tibetan community. This relates to differences arising from the worship of the Shugden spirit, which His Holiness had advised the Tibetan people from worshipping against. The primary group among these fundamentalists is the Dorje Shugden Devotees Charitable and Religious Society (DSDCRS), founded in May 1996 with its headquarters in Delhi, India. The supporters of DSDCRS are perhaps the most violent group. The Indian police have identified and charged DSDCRS of murdering three monks close to His Holiness, including his Chinese translator. This triple murder occurred in Dharamsala, India, very close to His Holiness’s personal residence in February 1997. A Red Corner Notice was issued by Interpol in June 2007 for the arrest of two of the accused in this case. Various reports also point to the fact that the Chinese government is also covertly backing the Shugden fundamentalist groups. The leaders of an association called “North America Gelug Association”, which was established in March 2011 in United States, met Chinese officials in New York several times and have also visited China on a regular basis.
The Central Tibetan Administration is grateful to Government of India for the efficient security arrangements provided to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Central Tibetan Administration cautions all concerned to remain vigilant and alert in this regard.
May 20, 2012
